Consulting and Advisory


Consulting and Advisory

We can work with your U.S. or Foreign Counsel to assist with the following projects:

Consulting lawyer
Consulting and Advisory

Tax Consultants & Advisors

We can work with your U.S. or foreign counsel to review your global tax structure and assist with any tax calculations.

Business Manager Consulting Client
Consulting before conference

Our firm works with the most prominent local and foreign law firms to ensure your U.S. tax structure is optimized.  We also take a comprehensive look at your business to capture all the tax deductions and business credits that are available under the current law.

Our Tax Consultants get involved in the tax planning process and provide assistance to the legal team throughout the different stages of the planning.  We also assist the legal team with Streamlined filings, OVDPs, Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures, Expatriation, Income Tax Treaty Analysis and Pre-Immigration Tax Planning.

Let us work with your U.S. attorney to bring your delinquent filings into compliance.

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Please get in touch with us for a complimentary tax consulting for your structure